For some 44 years, our offices have provided legal services in Kaufman, Rockwall, Dallas, Hunt, Van Zandt and now Lubbock Counties in Texas. Dave Mallard is a 30 Year Fellow of the Texas Bar College.
We offer a general, civil and trial practice.
Full Mediation Services.
American Arbitration Association Mediation Training, Two Family Law Mediation Training Courses
Two Domestic Violence Training Courses.
Appointed Receiver
Former Municipal Judge
Business Law, Real Estate, Probate and Estate Litigation, General Civil and Commercial Litigation in State Courts, Banks and Banking, Municipal and Quasi-Governmental Entities, Creditor Representation, Wills and Estates - Documentation and Litigation..
Terrell by Appointment:
Rockwall by Appointment:
Lubbock by Appointment:
Office 806.334.3948
Email: mallardesq@aol.com